Debate is the right of every member to attempt to convince others to their point of view. Thoughtful and respectful debate will,
- Engage members in the organization,
- Engage members in the decision making process,
- Allow members to better understand the issues,
- Make members feel they have contributed, and
- Result in better decisions.
Every member has the right to speak to every debatable motion before it is finally acted upon, unless this right is interfered with by a two-thirds vote of the assembly.
A member has the right to make two speeches of ten minutes length per day on each debatable question, and to change the limits of debate requires a motion adopted by a two-thirds vote. No member can speak a second time before another member who has not yet spoken wishes to speak.
In debate, members should observe the following;
- Confine remarks to the pending question,
- Refrain from attacking a members motives,
- Address all remarks through the Chair,
- Avoid the use of members’ names,
- Refrain from speaking against one’s own motion,
- Refrain from reading from papers or books, unless with permission of the assembly,
- Be seated unless speaking, and
- Refrain from disturbing the assembly.
- The Chair must remain impartial during debate and should have nothing to say on the merits of a pending question. To participate in debate, the Chair must relinquish the chair.